
Removing the stigma of breast cancer in South Asian women with Ms. Anushka Chaudhry

Did you know that South Asian women can be less likely to seek medical attention, and therefore tend to experience poorer outcomes when it comes to quality of life after a breast cancer diagnosis?

We spoke with Ms. Anushka Chaudhry, a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon from the Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to discuss why there still remains significant cultural barriers with South Asian women when it comes to detection and treatment, and the steps that can be taken to overcome them.

Watch as Ms Anushka Chaudhry discusses: 

  • Why ethnic minority women sometimes have to visit their GP more than a white woman before being referred, and the consequences this has on their outcomes. 
  • The common barriers to support that South Asian women can experience during a breast cancer journey.
  • How underrepresentation in clinical trials is skewing the understanding in this ethnic group.
  • What is out there for South Asian women to understand their breast cancer and find like-minded communities, like the South Asian Supernovas.
  • Challenging healthcare professionals to reduce bias and challenge assumptions. 

Ms. Anushka Chaudhry is the founder of the Aurora Breast Cancer Wellbeing charity, one of Endomag’s 2023 Breast Cancer Awareness Month partners.