Product Insight: Magtrace®
Learn why Magtrace offers the highest standard of breast cancer staging for patients.

Why Leading Surgeons are Switching to Magtrace
Dr. Marilyn Sandford, Dr. Julie Margenthaler, Ms. Shaunda Grisby, Mr. Michael Boland & Dr. Paul Baron

Transforming SLNB Procedures with Magtrace
Dr. Kristalyn Gallagher

Benefits of Delayed SLNB
Dr. Anne Peled

Adopting the MagTotal Technique
Dr. Rhiana Menen

Benefits of Magtrace for Lumpectomy and Mastectomy
Dr. Patricia Clark & Dr Cindy Mac

Reducing Unnecessary Surgery with Magtrace
Dr. Lisa Spiguel & Jeri Francouer

De-escalating surgery with confidence
Mr. Peter Barry & Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis

Evolving Technology and the Impact on Patient Care
Dr. Lucy De La Cruz

The MagTotal Findings Explained [Part 1]
Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis, Prof. Alastair Thompson & Prof. Carol Benn

The MagTotal Findings Explained [Part 2]
Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis, Prof. Alastair Thompson & Prof. Carol Benn

Magtrace for DCIS Patients undergoing Mastectomy
Dr. Ashley Simpson

Improvements in Breast Cancer Treatment using Magseed & Magtrace
Dr. Christian Zwick

Avoiding Unnecessary DCIS Treatment
Dr. Anne Peled

Delayed SLNB can be Practice Changing
Dr. Kelly Hewitt

Reducing the risk of Lymphedema with Magtrace
Holly Miller & Dr. Shawna Willey

Searching for a better axillary management approach [Part 1]
Mr. Peter Barry & Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis

Searching for a better axillary management approach [Part 2]
Mr. Peter Barry & Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis