CMS approves new HCPCS code for Magtrace US reimbursement

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has officially approved Endomag's application for a new HCPCS code for Magtrace, effective from October 1, 2023.
It has been assigned the Level II code A9697, “Injection, carboxydextran-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide, per study dose”, which enables providers across the US to specifically report their use of Magtrace.
Magtrace is the world's first and only single use dual-tracer, designed as a non-radioactive solution for breast cancer staging, making it simpler to use and more accessible to breast cancer patients.
This news marks yet another significant milestone for Magtrace, which at the end of last year was officially granted FDA Approval for use in all breast cancer procedures, including breast conserving surgery.
Want to understand how this new code affects your practice?
Please contact your local Endomag representative or use our contact form.