“Trailblazing” TAD: Mr Peter Barry and Dr Andreas Karakatsanis on the unrivalled magnetic approach
Are you looking to level up your TAD technique? Maybe some advice from two of Europe’s most prominent axillary-focused surgeons could help...
Watch Dr Andreas Karakatsanis from Uppsala University Sweden, and Mr Peter Barry from The Royal Marsden, London, talking through their first-hand experience, insights and best practice tips for using Magseed and Magtrace for targeted mapping of the axilla. Here, they discuss:
- The importance of choosing a seed marker that you'll find every time.
- How Magseed TAD compares to previous axillary staging methods.
- The impact of injecting Magtrace ahead of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
- How they’ve been able to reduce axillary clearance rates by nearly 50%
- Why they believe Colloidal Carbon is unsuitable for TAD.
→ Speak to our team about how Magseed could help level up your TAD