Magseed just turned Pro
We’ve enhanced every aspect of the Magseed® marker to create the world’s most advanced seed for tissue localization. Magseed Pro makes it easier than ever to mark, track, and accurately remove breast cancer.
Place anytime. View any way.
Magseed Pro® shows up clearly on ultrasound, mammogram, and MRI. Its MRI bloom is significantly smaller than the original Magseed®, so you can place it at any time without compromising breast imaging.
MRI artifact

than Magseed (by volume)
Why magnetic seeds?
Magnetic seeds have been designed to simplify breast cancer treatment, from the time the cancer is marked through to when it’s removed in surgery.
Accurate placement
With the choice of when and where to mark the cancer, you have ultimate control over placement.
Firmly implanted
Magnetic seeds won't move, break, or deactivate — no matter when they’re implanted.
Pinpoint detection
Detectable to the millimeter, magnetic seeds guide you to the tumor with precision.
Accurate removal
Being certain of the cancer’s location means you can remove it while leaving behind as much healthy tissue as possible.
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Declare your interest in Magseed Pro®
Give your patients a better standard of breast cancer surgery without the need for wires and radioactivity. If you're interested in learning more about Magseed Pro®, get in touch with us.
Learn more about Magseed Pro®
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